4.2.2. genes

This module contains functions that parses BED files containing genes and compute the adjacency of genes.

A gene is a dict with the following keys:

  • chrom, a str
  • start, an int
  • end, an int
  • name, a str
  • strand, a str, but can only be + or -

In this file, the genes argument refers to a list of such dicts.

created:May 2018
last modified:September 2018

Look for the adjacent genes of all genes and return a mapping of a gene name to its left and right neighbours. The strand is not taken into account for this.


genes is expected to be sorted.


Convert the genes to BED. Return the resulting string.


The score column is set to 0.


Read the BED file name, and return a list of dict. Each dict has the following keys: chrom, start, end, name, strand. The list is sorted.


The BED file is loaded into memory for faster processing.

genes.write_bed(genes, name)

Write the genes to the BED file name.