5.6. Values File

An intermediate file created by the pipeline when “joining” the contacts between different species based on the orthology relationships. It is created by the script join_pairs.py.

It is a tabulated-separated values file, usually gzipped. There is no header row. For each row, we have two species (named left and right), and four genes, two by species. The gene 1 in species left and the gene 1 in species right are orthologs, as are the gene 2 in species left and the gene 2 in species right. Then, the columns are the following:

  • the name of the gene 1 in species left, a string,
  • the name of the gene 2 in species left, a string,
  • the name of the gene 1 in species right, a string,
  • the name of the gene 2 in species right, a string,
  • the Hi-C value (i.e. the corrected and normalized number of contacts) for the genes 1 and 2 in species left, a floating-point number,
  • the Hi-C value for the genes 1 and 2 in species right.