4.1.2. join_pairs.py

This script reads two pairs files (the left one and the right one) made with make_pairs.py and join them based on a list of orthologs.

The result is a data set with 5 columns:

  • (str) gene name 1 in species left
  • (str) gene name 2 in species left
  • (str) gene name 1 in species right
  • (str) gene name 2 in species right
  • (float) Hi-C value for gene 1 and 2 in species left
  • (float) Hi-C value for gene 1 and 2 in species right

This table is written as TSV with no header row, in a Gzipped file.

created:May 2018
last modified:July 2018 Usage

Reads two pairs files (the left one and the right one) and join them based on a list of orthologs.

usage: join_pairs.py [-h] [-t THRESHOLD] [-x] [-a {all,none,and,or,xor}] [-v]
                     orthos left right outfile Positional Arguments

orthos the orthologs file, can be a pair of species or not (see doc)
left the left pairs file, optionally Gzipped
right the right pairs file, optionally Gzipped
outfile the output file, optionally Gzipped Named Arguments

-t, --threshold
 the threshold to apply
-x, --exclude

exclude the pairs with both values lesser than or equal to the threshold

Default: False

-a, --adjacencies

Possible choices: all, none, and, or, xor

the adjacencies status to keep

Default: “all”

-v, --verbose

be verbose

Default: False