4.1.4. dist_all_pairs.py

Compute the scaled distance using all pairs of orthologs (the “standard way”). The result is one distance matrix for a full dataset.

The mode argument define what kind of value we want to keep while computing the distance:

  • intersection: only the values present in all species are kept.
  • atLeastTwo: keep the values present in at least two species.
  • union: keep all values.


It is intended to be used instead of dist_pairs_indep.py and bootstrap.py.

created:August 2019
last modified:August 2019 Usage

Compute the distance matrix using all pairs of genes.

usage: dist_all_pairs [-h] [-m {intersection,atLeastTwo,union}] [-p] [-v]
                      orthos outfile values [values ...] Positional Arguments

orthos all the orthos, in TSV
outfile the matrix filename
values the values files, in (Gzipped) TSV Named Arguments

-m, --mode

Possible choices: intersection, atLeastTwo, union

the mode, that is, the kind of values we want to keep while computing the distance

Default: “intersection”

-p, --progress

print a progress bar; need tqdm to be installed

Default: False

-v, --verbose

be verbose

Default: False