4.1.8. informative_traits.py

Report information about the traits that are informative, i.e. the traits that don’t have the same value in all species.

The result is a key-value association, either displayed in the console or written to a file as TSV or JSON.

The information reported is:

  • The total number of values (keyed TotalSize).
  • The number of informative values (keyed InformativesSize).
  • The percentage of informative values (keyed PercentageInformative).
  • The first non informative value seen during the computation (keyed NonInformativeValue); this was used mainly for debugging.
created:September 2018
last modified:August 2019 Usage

Report information about the traits that are informative

usage: informative_traits.py [-h] [-o OUTPUT]
                             [-m {intersection,atLeastTwo,union}] [-p] [-v]
                             orthos values [values ...] Positional Arguments

orthos all the orthos, in TSV
values the values files, in (Gzipped) TSV Named Arguments

-o, --output write the output there; can be JSON or TSV
-m, --mode

Possible choices: intersection, atLeastTwo, union

the mode, that is, the kind of values we want to keep while computing the distance

Default: “intersection”

-p, --progress

print a progress bar; need tqdm to be installed

Default: False

-v, --verbose

be verbose

Default: False